Dedication to the Growth of Every Talmid

Dynamic and focused, our rebbeim work to bring each individual talmid to his own potential in both learning and in personal growth. They are available and attentive to the needs of each bochur, in and outside of the beis medrash.

Rabbi Moshe Binyamin Friedman

Rosh HaYeshiva

Rabbi Yaakov Leonard


Rabbi Dovid Levy

Mashgiach Ruchani

Rabbi Akiva Miller

Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Ezra Halle

Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Sholom Tuvia Gordon

Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Chaim Katz​

Mashgiach Ruchani​

Rabbi Eli Pinnik​

Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Yoav Yehuda Kappel

Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Chaim Augenstein

Shoel U'meishiv

Rabbi Yaakov Wittenstein

Shoel U'meishiv

Administrative Staff

R' Chaim Abrams


R' Yehoshua Levin

Administrative Assistant / Registrar

Grow in Learning. Grow in Life.

Our talmidim have many opportunities to learn inyanei mussar and machshava, whether in bi-weekly sedarim exploring sifrei mussar, or in the weekly shmuessen delivered by the Roshei Yeshiva and other mashpi’im. In addition to the daily rebbeim, several well-known rabbonim and gedolim give regular shiurim at the yeshiva, as an integral part of our learning program. These rabbonim get to know the talmidim, and give them the opportunity to experience a challenging sugya or inspiring hashkafa from a new and enlightening perspective.
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