A short shiur of Halachos from the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch.
Treating Purim Like a Yom Tov

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with the Nesivos Ahron community and take your learning to the next level by joining us each and every day! The Amud HaYomi learning program is set to from the Nesivos Ahron Beis Medrash in Chatzer Strauss at 7:35am Jerusalem time. Join us on our journey to conquer the Gemara in a simple, quick, and enjoyable way. The daily shiur, which will cover an amud of Gemara in just a quarter of an hour, will be given live by our Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Moshe Binyomin Friedman, Shlit”a.

Each week Rav Dovid Levy shares insights on the Parsha to be shared at the Shabbos Table
Rav Dovid Levy shares insights and stories from Parshas Tzav and on how we can take Purim with us into Peasach Bein Hazmanim.